Devising and delivery a companywide blended learning programme with Hexcel  

How we helped to improve relationships between employees, supervisors, and managers within a global organisation.

4 Minute read

26 June 2020




Hexcel is the leading advanced composite materials company in the world. The business wanted to develop the role of supervisors within the organisation through a blended learning and development programme.


Hexcel was looking for a learning provider to become a true partner in the creation of its Global Supervisor Programme. The business was looking for a solution that would encompass design, management, and delivery and wanted a company that was experienced in supervisory development, but who would be flexible to Hexcel’s needs. The programme must have a lasting impact on participants, using technology to embed skills and behaviours and must be multi-lingual, covering English, German, Spanish, French, and Mandarin.


Hemsley Fraser designed a blended learning programme based around the organisation’s 12 core competencies, including the ‘Hexcel Way’ which encourages diversity and inclusion. Instructor-led learning events now take place worldwide, with Hemsley Fraser sourcing and training facilitators in remote locations and tailoring the sessions for cultural and linguistic needs.

The instructor-led events are incredibly flexible, designed to be delivered around the plant working patterns in 3-hour blocks, which can take place as individual sessions or bolted together to form a whole day. These experiences are complemented by additional resources and post-course material housed within the digital hub and accessed from anywhere with the use of a QR code. Hemsley Fraser also supported the managers’ understanding of the programme, so that they could support the supervisors in turn.


Hexcel’s supervisors are all trained in a consistent way, equipped with the skills and behaviours desired by the organisation. This helps to improve organisational performance and further embed company culture.

Participants have scored the programme an average of 4.7 out of five, with the same score given for the facilitators.

  • Improved relationships between employees, supervisors, and managers
  • Average programme score of 4.7 out of five
  • Consistent core management skills around the world
  • Improved organisational performance


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