Training courses & programmes

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Managers and leaders need to build a toolkit of knowledge, skills and behaviours that will set them, their teams and their organisations up for success. They need to build trust and promote a positive working environment to inspire people to bring their best selves to work.

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In order to optimise personal development and effectiveness, we need to utilise all of the resources at our disposal. This includes our talents, skills, strengths, energy, and time, and doing this will enable us to achieve our goals at work and in life. Continuous learning is a key component of improving personal development and taking every opportunity will help us be our best selves.

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The need for project management skills has become increasingly important in today’s working environment, but a lot of people have had no formal project manager training. No matter what kind of organisation you are in or the size of the projects you are managing, project management training can help equip you with the skills you need.

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Developing cross-functional knowledge and skills helps generate understanding and align organisational goals. Depending on our role in the business we may need a fundamental or a more advanced understanding of finance, professional office administration, sales, marketing, procurement, HR, and customer service..

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There are physical, emotional, and mental elements to improving individual wellbeing, all of which involve becoming more self-aware, self-confident, and self-sufficient. We must look after all three to protect our wellbeing, and stay healthy and productive.

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