Bite-size training

Bite-size training

Short bursts of knowledge designed to immediately boost performance

Bite-size training

Deliver short bursts of knowledge covering the what, why, and how of a topic

Our library of 90-minute instructor-led sessions can be delivered virtually, face-to-face, or you can choose a combination. There are 90+ topics available, which can run either standalone or up to three session in day.

Why choose

bite-size training?

  • Flexible - virtual or face-to-face delivery, or a combination of both
  • Time-friendly - typically 90 minutes
  • Interactive, fun and engaging
  • Highly-focused expert-led learning
  • Run up to three sessions in a day
  • Library of over 90 topics - mix and match to suit your needs


Virtual or in-person
Our bite-size sessions can be delivered virtually, or in-person, either standalone or as part of a blended program.


Why not speak to one of our friendly learning advisers?

Tell us more about your training and development requirements. We’ll be delighted to discuss your needs and deliver a program for you.