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Learning and talent-development provider Hemsley Fraser has created a new model designed to develop the best managers and leaders. Highly flexible and adaptive, the leadership and management framework can accommodate the different dynamics and contexts required by organisations of every size as well as all types of industries.
2 minutes
22 March 2023
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Explore our framework
Management & Leadership Training
Introduction to Management
Drawing on their 30 year people and leadership development expertise, as well as the latest thinking, insight and evidence, and working with subject experts and customers globally, Hemsley has asked the question; what does good people management look like in today’s unpredictable global work environment? The new framework is the response to this and takes a human-centric approach, enabled by technology, not driven by it.
The model places the manager/leader at the centre and encompasses development across the mindset, skillset, and toolset needed to be successful in leadership roles today. It identifies the top 10 capabilities managers and leaders need to be successful.
Sally Hurrell, Interim CEO, Hemsley Fraser, says, “We have found that the best leaders and managers demonstrate 10 capabilities – from sustainable performance and nurturing change to building relationships and growing talent. Some of these capabilities are enduring whilst others have evolved more recently but they are common to all organisations in different workplace contexts and cultures. For example, after the last 24 months of upheavals, understanding and nurturing change readiness is now a requirement for today’s managers, when it was previously seen as a situational need or competency
“To help create this deeper understanding, managers need to embrace empathy and authenticity as well as have the confidence to acknowledge when they don’t know something. Our new framework has been designed with human behaviour at its core, to create learning experiences which are engaging, rewarding and impactful for individuals, teams and organisations alike.”
The 10 capabilities the Hemsley framework focuses around are: leading inclusively; being authentic; growing talent; nurturing change readiness; fostering psychological safety; having straightforward conversations; building connections and relationships; creating purposeful agile plans; delivering sustainable performance and providing direction and clarity.
To learn more about the framework
Insight paper | webinar | animation
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