Supplier Negotiation and Contract Management

Smart supplier management begins when a supplier is appointed, and the bulk of responsibility usually transfers at this point from procurement specialists to operational managers - functions such as supply chain, manufacturing, maintenance, facilities, and service delivery. There are four main activities involved with supplier management: supplier relationship management, performance and contract management, supplier development and improvement and, governance and risk management.

Es ist mehr als nur ein Kurs.

Es ist eine Lernreise


Excite (Begeistern)

Moderiertes Training Teil 1 (1 Tag oder 2x3 Stunden)


Engage (Aktivieren)

Transferphase (4-6 Wochen)


Embed (Umsetzen)

Moderiertes Training Teil 2 (1 Tag oder 2x3 Stunden)

Learning Journeys

For our learning journeys we use our proven excite, engage, embed method to ensure the learning experience is engaging and the learning is sustained. We have two learning journey options available on this topic. The full details of the programmes can be viewed by clicking on either of the title buttons below.

Kurscode: OV-COSM

  • This is available for individuals, groups and teams

  • 2 x half-day live session delivered virtually or in-person | 6-8 hrs on-demand learning | 30-minute coaching session (optional extra for teams)

Getting the best value out of your suppliers doesn‘t stop when the ink is still wet on the contract.
In this workshop, you will learn how to manage and measure supplier performance and ensure that they deliver the service levels you need from them and move beyond contract compliance to increasingly add value and continuous improvement to your work together.

Through improved supplier and contract management, you will get more out of your suppliers and develop more effective business partnerships that are a success for everyone involved.

If you are involved in the management and monitoring of suppliers then this workshop will provide you with useful tools and information, to help you get the most out of your work together.

This workshop will draw upon participants‘ experiences of good and bad supplier management, as well as using expert trainer input from trainers with experience of being suppliers and contract managers.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Understand and construct simple and effective processes for supplier governance and relationship management
  • Recognize and use the stages of the contract management cycle
  • Use the most appropriate hard and soft performance measures with your suppliers
  • Spot common problems and pitfalls in contract and supplier management and employ effective strategies for dealing with them


Learners will be asked to complete a short pre-course activity to enable the virtual course to be a truly interactive and engaging experience.

  • Understanding the Stages of Effective Contract and Supplier Management
  • Defining contract and supplier management
  • The contract management cycle
  • Communicating and managing the relationship
  • The Importance of Relationship Management
  • Relationship management styles
  • The ‘building blocks‘ of an effective supplier relationship
  • Practical exercise on relationship management
  • Common Problems and Pitfalls
  • The most common problems and how to spot them
  • Managing changes and avoiding scope creep
  • Strategies for dealing with common problems
  • Dispute resolution
  • Risks to Effective Contract Delivery
  • Identifying risks and their impact/probability
  • Managing and mitigating risks
  • Risk management activity
  • Measuring Supplier Performance
  • Common performance measures
  • Using Service Level Agreements (SLAs)
  • Soft measures of performance - satisfaction and attitude
  • Choosing the right measure for the situation

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Negotiating with Suppliers

For groups & teams

Live session delivered virtually or in-person. Up to 8 people per programme.

Von Contact us for pricing

Bring in-house

For individuals

Upcoming dates (select date for price info)
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Kurscode: OV-NWI

  • This is available for individuals, groups and teams

  • half-day live session delivered virtually or in-person | 6-8 hrs on-demand learning | 30-minute coaching session (optional extra for teams)

This workshop will help you to get the best out of your supplier negotiations.

You will find out how to prepare for, conduct and follow up negotiations to ensure that you are getting the best deal and cementing sustainable business relationships.

This workshop is designed for anyone who is involved in supplier negotiations for goods or services. The course will show how you use your negotiating skills to enhance your long term relationships with suppliers, as well as getting the best deals for your organization.

You will come out feeling confident and better equipped to go into negotiations, communicate with suppliers and get the profitable results that you need to benefit your company and your reputation.

By the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Recognize the importance of negotiation to get profitable deals and maintain long term business relationships
  • Know when to negotiate with suppliers
  • Understand the five possible outcomes of a supplier negotiation and prepare your negotiations accordingly
  • Recognize partnership and adversarial negotiation styles and the advantages and disadvantages of both
  • Demonstrate the four phases of negotiating
  • Understand the behaviors of highly skilled negotiators and use them appropriately


Please bring examples of negotiations in which you have been involved (at work or in your personal life).

Please also consider good negotiators you have encountered and your thoughts about what made them so successful.

  • What is Negotiation?
  • Looking at the different sorts of negotiation
  • Negotiating at work: what makes it different?
  • The five possible outcomes of negotiation
  • Partnership and adversarial negotiation styles
  • The Phases of Negotiating
  • Stage 1: Prepare
  • Stage 2: Discuss
  • Stage 3: Propose
  • Stage 4: Bargain
  • Individual and team negotiating: what‘s the difference?
  • The Behaviors of Highly Skilled Negotiators
  • What highly skilled negotiators do (and don‘t do)
  • Communication skills for negotiators: listening, asking questions, communicating information, body language
  • Detecting deception
  • Putting it into Practice
  • Applying negotiating behaviors
  • Using the four phases of negotiation
  • Individual and team negotiation practice

For groups & teams

Live session delivered virtually or in-person. Up to 8 people per programme.

Von Contact us for pricing

Bring in-house

For individuals

Upcoming dates (select date for price info)
Reserve your place

Bitesize Sessions

Available for delivery to groups and teams, our bite-size learning sessions are short bursts of knowledge covering the what, why, and how of a topic, and delivered at pace. Expert-led sessions can be delivered virtually, face-to-face, or you can choose a combination, and they can be run either standalone or up to three sessions in a day.

Smart Supplier Management

Smart Supplier Management

Kurscode: VILT-SSM

  • 90-minute live session delivered virtually or in-person (Perfect for use as part of a blended learning programme)

  • This is available for groups and teams

  • Part of our Core Library

This 90-minute session starts by answering the question: why supplier management matters? You will then look at the associated elements of supplier management and how relationships and performance levels factor into supplier management.
The next part of the course covers managing and benchmarking the performance of suppliers, and finishes by addressing supplier governance arrangements that need to be in place.


This session is suitable for anyone who is involved in the management and monitoring of suppliers.

By the end of this session, you will be able to:

  • Appropriately classify and manage suppliers in relation to their level of importance and risk
  • Understand the essential elements of supplier management
  • Set up and review governance arrangements with your suppliers
  • Develop a performance improvement plan
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Online Learning

Our award-winning learning content library is expertly created, easy to consume, and visually engaging and it can be experienced through a range of modalities - Fluidbooks, videos, animations, podcasts, infographics, quizzes and more. Use our digital learning content to support on-demand or blended learning provision within your organisation. Hundreds of topics are available in multiple global languages.

Smart Supplier Relationships

Smart Supplier Relationships

Core content

  • Smart Supplier Management Animation
  • Smart Supplier Management Fluidbook
  • Smart Supplier Management Quiz
  • Smart Supplier Management Thrive in Five
Smart Supplier Relationships
See our engaging content in action

See our engaging content in action

Find out more about our learning content… we provide a range of formats and media types to support different learning styles, and time pressures and to keep the learning engaging. Find out more about the different modalities and view some examples…

Explore more about our content

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Hier sind die nächsten Schritte, wenn Sie eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung wollen:


Schritt 1

Füllen Sie das untere Formula aus damit wir uns innerhalb von 2 Tagen bei Ihnen melden.


Schritt 2

Wir vereinbaren ein unverbindliches, virtuelles Kennlern-/Abstimmungsgespräch mit Ihnen und unseren Experten, um alle Fragen auf beiden Seiten zu klären.


Schritt 3

Anschließend erhalten Sie von uns ein individuelles Angebot mit Trainingsinhalten, Trainerprofil, Kosten und Terminvorschlägen.


Schritt 4

Ihre Veranstaltung kann starten – Wir freuen uns Ihr Team zu unterstützen!

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The building blocks menu of options

To help achieve the pace and agility you need, we encourage you to make use of what we already have (our core library) and make it your own. There’s no need to ‘recreate the wheel’ - build from what we have ‘ready to go’ and then customise what you need to.

Choose from across our range of 100+ core topic areas.

Online self-study:
  • Fluidbooks
  • Infographics (standard and HTML)
  • Thrive in Five
  • Videos/animations
  • Quizzes & assessments
  • Podcasts
  • Digital flip cards
  • HTML microsites
  • Digital adventures
  • Applying what you have learned - action learning prompts/exercises
  • All assets under a topic/collection
Live expert-led:
  • Pre-built team experience (learning journey)
  • Live workshops - virtual or in-person training (1 x half-day live session in a day; 2 x half-day live session in a day)
  • Bitesize (1 x 90-min bite-size session in a day; 2 x 90-min bite-size session in a day; 3 x 90-min bite-size session in a day)
  • Run-it-yourself
  • Coaching – per hour (Follow-up; Learning programme; Transitioning together; Team effectiveness; Career coaching; Leadership & executive; Skills performance coaching)
  • Group facilitation sessions (1 x 3hr in a day; 2 x 3hr in a day
  • Leadership lab session (1 x 3hr in a day; 2 x 3hr in a day)
  • Virtual delivery platform licence
Personalisation for live events:
  • Add your logo
  • Tailored
  • Branded
  • Fully customised
Bespoke content creation:
  • Fluidbooks
  • Infographics (standard and HTML)
  • Thrive in Five
  • Videos/animations
  • Quizzes & assessments
  • Podcasts with bespoke or your content
  • Digital flip cards
  • HTML microsites
  • Digital adventures
  • Digital badges/certificates
  • Live expert-led bite-size or workshop session
Bespoke printed communication/learning assets:
  • Handouts
  • Z-cards
  • Zappar AR for Z-card
  • Action learning prompts/exercises
  • Bespoke Hub annual subscription fee (per user)
  • Hub implementation
  • Subscription (open) hub
  • Booker portal
  • Delivery – Virtual or in-person facilitator; virtual producer
  • Faculty management
  • Delegate management
  • Instructional design
  • Specialist instructional design
  • Learning journey curation
  • Logistics support
  • Project management
  • Customer success management
  • Branding & creative communication
  • Graphic design
  • Translations services
  • Proofing/QA
  • Data insights & engagement
  • Consultancy
  • Supplier management
  • Managed Learning Services
The building blocks menu of options

Our approach

Successful learning programmes don’t just happen by accident: Our 4E learning journey model ensures maximum transformational power (and it’s informed by decades of adult learning best practices and proven real-life hybrid learning effectiveness).

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