Was wir tun
Ansprechendes Lernen und Entwicklung, das sich auf die Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten und Verhaltensänderungen konzentriert.
Wer wir sind
Ein vertrauenswürdiger und kompetenter L&D-Partner. Sie haben vielleicht noch nie von Hemsley gehört, aber Sie kennen definitiv die Kunden, mit denen wir zusammenarbeiten.
Understanding different communication styles can radically improve the quality of your relationships. That’s because your level of skill in navigating difficult conversations depends on your ability to connect. Why does communication seem to work beautifully at times and fail miserably at others? Find out all about it in this topic.
Take a look at all personal development topics
Available for delivery to groups and teams, our bite-size learning sessions are short bursts of knowledge covering the what, why, and how of a topic, and delivered at pace. Expert-led sessions can be delivered virtually, face-to-face, or you can choose a combination, and they can be run either standalone or up to three sessions in a day.
Kurscode: VILT-CS
90 mins (Perfect for use as part of a blended learning programme)
This is available for groups and teams
Part of our Core Library
In all areas of life, the seamless and easy communication we enjoy with some contrasts starkly with the challenges we face when interacting with others, regardless of how hard we try. These challenges often stem from the different dynamics between the communication styles used. In this interactive session you’ll uncover your personal style’s nuances and its impact on your interactions. Armed with this insight, you’ll explore strategies to bridge the gaps in style when communicating with stakeholders and colleagues to develop productive relationships that are based on mutual understanding and respect.
This interactive course is for anyone who has ever found themselves struggling to connect with certain individuals despite their best efforts and would like to increase their ability to build positive relationships and have more productive conversations with colleagues.
Our award-winning learning content library is expertly created, easy to consume, and visually engaging and it can be experienced through a range of modalities - Fluidbooks, videos, animations, podcasts, infographics, quizzes and more. Use our digital learning content to support on-demand or blended learning provision within your organisation. Hundreds of topics are available in multiple global languages.
Core content
Find out more about our learning content… we provide a range of formats and media types to support different learning styles, and time pressures and to keep the learning engaging. Find out more about the different modalities and view some examples…
Hier sind die nächsten Schritte, wenn Sie eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung wollen:
Füllen Sie das untere Formula aus damit wir uns innerhalb von 2 Tagen bei Ihnen melden.
Wir vereinbaren ein unverbindliches, virtuelles Kennlern-/Abstimmungsgespräch mit Ihnen und unseren Experten, um alle Fragen auf beiden Seiten zu klären.
Anschließend erhalten Sie von uns ein individuelles Angebot mit Trainingsinhalten, Trainerprofil, Kosten und Terminvorschlägen.
Ihre Veranstaltung kann starten – Wir freuen uns Ihr Team zu unterstützen!
To help achieve the pace and agility you need, we encourage you to make use of what we already have (our core library) and make it your own. There’s no need to ‘recreate the wheel’ - build from what we have ‘ready to go’ and then customise what you need to.
Choose from across our range of 100+ core topic areas.
Successful learning programmes don’t just happen by accident: Our 4E learning journey model ensures maximum transformational power (and it’s informed by decades of adult learning best practices and proven real-life hybrid learning effectiveness).
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