

Successful Leadership Development in the Post-COVID World

The pandemic has reshaped the world of work, creating new skills, challenges and threats. Leaders are now facing unprecedented uncertainty, yet with change comes opportunity. Hemsley Fraser has been developing engaging learning experiences focused on leadership and skills leaders need to succeed in a post-pandemic world.
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How COVID-19 has led to an evolution of learning culture

The number one challenge for L&D professionals is adopting a learning culture enabling them to become more agile and responsive to the changing needs of their markets.
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Agile leadership

We know that leadership behaviour shapes organisational culture to a great extent, but even the most tenacious leader will struggle to fully embed this mindset in their daily practice if they are not backed up by corresponding processes, systems and procedures.
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How can L&D better support employees and the business to meet the moment?

A lot has changed about our working world in the last 12 months, & though some are awaiting the day we get ‘back to normal’, some differences are here to stay.
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6 Critical Components for Success in Virtual Learning

Virtual learning experiences have been an invaluable resource throughout 2021, as organisations seek to offer continued support & development to their employees
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Learning Journeys – why are they important?

Learning, now more than ever, is about how you take the learner on a journey; from their understanding and skills at the starting point through to enabling them to do or think differently by the end. A one-off learning event or intervention may stay with the learner and influence the way they do things in the short term but, to gain real change, the 21/90 rule states that it takes 21 days to make a habit and 90 days to make it a permanent change.
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Why Apprenticeships? Why Now?

In 2017, the UK Government introduced the Apprenticeship Levy to encourage companies to invest in training their employees in key areas that would address the UK skills shortage. Until the end of July 2020, employers could use their Levy pot to fund the original Apprenticeship Frameworks (qualification-led) or to pay for the newer Apprenticeship Standards (occupation-led) that are developed with “Trailblazing” employers. Apprenticeship Standards are related to what is needed in the workforce - leading to employees that are capable and qualified in that future role (not just the theory, but having applied it throughout their apprenticeship).
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Virtual learning and the role of the producer in creating learner engagement

Virtual learning isn’t about being a better or worse option to traditional face-to-face learning, it is simply a different option, allowing you more choice to meet your learning needs in the most appropriate way.
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Positive psychology can improve well-being at work

Five measurable elements can enhance employee well-being and bring competitive advantage, says Alexandra Hatfield , L&D Consultant.
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