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Engaging learning & development built using — content, technology & services — that focuses on capability development & behaviour change.
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A trusted & expert L&D partner. You may not have heard of Hemsley, but you’ll definitely know the clients we work with.
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What's new
In response to the changing needs of learners and organisations, we have redefined and updated our ready to go course offerings. This includes leadership and management, personal effectiveness, team performance and other specialist skills such as project management and financial awareness - creating a new suite of learning experiences that help meet the moment and are relevant to today’s business climate.
3 Minute read
22 March 2021
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The Hub
With face-to-face interactions still restricted and the hybrid working model looking more likely for the long term, we have worked with learners and organisations to create a highly effective blended and virtual alternative to face-to-face training.
Understanding that managers and their teams help set the tone for an organisation, with their skills, commitment and passion often being integral to business success, we acknowledged the challenges and opportunities that the changing world of work posed for effectively upskilling leaders and managers.
Building upon 30 years of experience as a top leadership and soft skills training provider our virtual blended training courses have proven to successfully overcome the challenges and are helping to motivate and inspire the leaders and aspiring leaders of today to be ready for tomorrow.
Having developed and optimised a wide range of more than 60 learning experiences to work naturally in today’s work environment; these are now available to groups and intact teams with extra custom and contextualisation options to help make the learning as relevant and engaging as possible for the team training need.
Working closely with subject matter experts, virtual learning specialists, a team of producers, and graphic designers, we have created learning experiences that focus on the essential and trending skills businesses need from their leaders and teams to grow and succeed in these challenging times.
Designed to benefit both the learner and organisation and develop and inspire people to ‘be ready for tomorrow’, these blended learning experiences use our model Excite, Engage and Embed.
The 60+ titles available include….
The courses incorporate a range of elements to make the learning experience relevant and engaging to the learner and help drive the necessary behaviour change:
Micro and nano-learning – micro-learning digital assets and bite-size virtual sessions ensure the learner can fit it more easily into their available time.
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