Was wir tun
Ansprechendes Lernen und Entwicklung, das sich auf die Entwicklung von Fähigkeiten und Verhaltensänderungen konzentriert.
Wer wir sind
Ein vertrauenswürdiger und kompetenter L&D-Partner. Sie haben vielleicht noch nie von Hemsley gehört, aber Sie kennen definitiv die Kunden, mit denen wir zusammenarbeiten.
A ready-made 'facilitator' kit for people managers who need to host a mini-training session on a single key learning topic. Each run-it-yourself (Session in a Box) will show managers how to run a 25-minute session with their team.
Why choose this modality?
Give your people managers an opportunity to play an active role in upskills their teams
Provide teams with bite-sized learning opportunities that can take place during already-scheduled meetings
Extend the reach of instructor-led learning content to larger populations
Employees’ needs are always varied. But now, as we navigate returning to workplaces, our team members are likely to be dealing with different situations.
Do you make the most of your time or are you always chasing your tail? Do you use to-do lists? And do you know what tasks and activities to focus on at any given time?
Stressful situations are a fact of life. Some people approach them with confidence and poise, facing change head-on, whereas others back away slowly into a corner.
There are two main mindsets we can navigate life with: growth and fixed. Having a growth mindset is essential for success. Your view of yourself can determine everything.
Tell us more about your business and content requirements and we'll be delighted to discuss how we can help.