Delivering globally-consistent management training at a bank

  • A management training program, designed to instil common working practices amongst 1,380 first-line managers, has been delivered in 10 countries
  • The program - which covers communication, leadership, operational skills and personal effectiveness - incorporates skills practice and detailed feedback. Professional actors are also used to embed the learning, and encourage the delegates to try new approaches
  • 95% of the participants have said that the content has been relevant and that it can be applied to help them advance their career
  • Following the program’s success, we’ve rolled it out to two other divisions and delivered customised versions of the content for higher level managers and technical specialists

In order to maintain a common culture and ensure their talented new managers were developed consistently - so that the same operational procedures could be replicated worldwide - the bank asked us to create a management training program that would set a global standard for the 1,380 first-line managers in one of its key divisions.

We designed an initial skills diagnostic tool which the participants could complete online, to help them not only identify their individual training needs but also to discuss and confirm their development plans with their line managers.

We then created four distinct classroom training modules, each of which lasted two days. These modules covered:

- Communication skills, including planning, structuring and delivering effective presentations, as well as producing concise and high impact copy.

- Leadership skills, including recruiting the right team, conducting effective interviews, setting objectives, motivating your team, managing performance and understanding different styles of leadership.
- Operational skills, including planning and managing projects, running effective meetings, problem solving, decision making and time management.
-  Personal effectiveness, including influencing others, negotiation skills, building rapport with stakeholders, networking and enhancing personal impact.

Each module included specific workplace examples, hands-on skills practice and detailed feedback. Some featured professional actors using ‘forum theatre’ to explore and embed the learning, and encourage the delegates to try new approaches.

Our facilitators have delivered the program in local languages in China, Germany, Holland, India, Italy, Poland, Singapore, Spain, the UK and the USA.

Reviews show that the program has proved to be a valuable and rewarding learning experience that has met its objectives. 95% of the participants have said that the content has been relevant and that it can be applied to help them advance their career. They also highlighted that spending time with their colleagues has proved a valuable way of building relationships and broadening their awareness of different issues and practices throughout the business. Our facilitators have been described as professionally credible experts who have demonstrated an in-depth knowledge of the subject matter.

As a result of the program’s success, we’ve subsequently been asked to tailor it and deliver it to two of the bank’s other divisions. We’ve also designed and delivered customise versions of the module content for higher level managers and technical specialists.